
What to wear for class?

What to wear for class?
Dance studios maintain shoe and attire requirements for many reasons. These requirements consider the safety and comfort of each dancer. Read more

What is the appropriate attire for each class?

Our dress code ensures that students receive the best possible instruction, minimize injury, increase focus, and develop a strong sense of self-confidence and studio unity. All ballet students should have… Read more

Does my child need to attend classes regularly?

It is essential that classes are attended consistently. If students frequently miss classes, it is difficult for them to catch up on what they may have missed. It is also… Read more

What should I do if the class that works best for my family is full?

We understand that a family’s schedule can get very busy. We encourage you to go ahead and register for the class and join the waitlist (there is no charge!) and… Read more

How long is each dance class?

Most classes run for 60 minutes. For students who are 5 and under, ADC may choose to limit class times to 45 minutes to enhance focus and sustainability. Read more

Can I watch my dancer in class?

We are still sensitive to Covid and do not allow parents in the classes. We have a viewing window from the lobby into Studio 1. However, in order to remove… Read more

How do I know what level class to sign up my dancer for?

Students are assigned to classes according to their age as of September 30 each year. During the first 3 weeks of class, students are evaluated on skill level and progress.… Read more

How do I sign up for classes?

ADC uses a Family Portal from JackRabbit to register for and add classes. New families can click over to our Family Portal to create your account and set up your… Read more

For what ages do you offer classes at the studio?

We have a large youth dance program, offering combo classes for children as young as 3 years old (as of the start of our fall semester) up to Seniors in… Read more